I couldnt think of a more apt title for this post today. He really is a beasty.

I'm really happy with how the armour turned out, its difficult to get washes to lay (and dry) right on large surface areas, so I had to wash - drybrush - and wash again to get a nice coverage.

You'll notice i added some "pinkish" highlights in the "piping" on this monster, and have copied this on the hormagaunts too, it adds some subtle colour to the bone skin

A fair bit of detailing on the base, a lasgun and fuel can to tie the monster in with my Lucky 88th, this should make them look good opposing each other.

And a generic space marine helmet. I jokingly told Lee from
2screens I was going to paint it grey as an act of revenge for the amount of times his blasted drop pod army has ruined my guardsmen. luckily his sergeants helmets are red with a white stripe...

So there we have it, a small group of nids to get me started. I've still got 9 more hormagaunts to build and paint up, while I try to find some money for a forgeworld order :D

Cheers for dropping by.