As promised on
Lucky 88th I've painted up the models I bought from Attack! 2010
I should have been painting up my Lucky 88th guard ready for the Borlingrav game this weekend, but I was too excited by the idea of painting up more gribblies, I got them finished very quickly.

As you can see, he fits right in with my colour scheme, with details being picked out in similar colours to my exising models.

For the base, I wasn't too enamoured with the "Tentacle" holding the Zoanthrope up. although removing it and finding a clear flying stand also didn't fill me with glee. So instead I decided to utilise the "spiky bits"thatI'd already removed from the Genestealer bases, and create a kind of "Magic Circle" of tentacles, giving the zoanthrope a more imposing presence, as if it's summoning the tyranid infection from the ground.

As mentioned above, I've built my genestealers, I didn't like the spiky bits on the base, they seemed too generic if they appeared on every genestealer's base.
anywaym this is the one I've painted up

I'm not too keen on the "armour" on the model, as a genestealer is supposed to have a 5+ save, and hormagaunts have a 6+, but the hormagaunts seem much more armoured.
so i set about giving the stealer a full carapace

And of course, scything talons were a no-brainer, these are the signature of Hive Splinter Borlin.
