a heartbeat later I'm sat looking at the box in the pub next door thinking "I already have a trygon, so which one should I build now? a trygon prime, or a mawloc?"
without further ado, I present:
Trygon Prime emerging from the ground and performing a "goalkeeper" leap. very world cup apropriate (it has been mentioned that I should magnetize a football to the base...)

Firstly I tilted the body over, and cut the tail off at an angle, this makes him look as if he has burst from the ground, and snaked around in a U turn back on himself. the end of the tail was added because it carries the theme of the trygon prime and breaks up the wasted base space. I decided that after the prime had come from the ground, his tail would be eager to reach the surface and so simply smash its way upward through the ground.
Some base details: Broken Auspex, Lucky 88th Helmet and a pile of skulls...

the craters are made from layers of madium basing slate, filled with basing sand

Lots of extra spikes on the Prime, and the sculpted tail uderside.

A couple of close-ups of the face, you can see the blue details on the tongue and mandibles.
(this was achieved using a Skull White base with an Asurmen Blue wash over the top.

Now I'm off to do some Imperial Guard stuff for the Lucky88th blog, as I havent updated that for ages!!
I'm not entirely sure what is in the pipeline for the nids, if i came into a ton fo money it would definately be a scythed heirodule next, as i had the pleasure of seeing a barbed heirodule recently and it made me very jealous!!
as this is very unlikely, we'll just have to see what I can get my hands on next.
Cheers for dropping by!!