As with last year, Calneage is a 500 point doubles competition.
The rules are the old Combat Patrol Force organisation and unit limits:
- 500 points
0-1 HQ
0-2 Elites
1-4 Troops
0-2 Fast attack
0-1 Heavy Support
- no 2+ saves
- no models with more than 2 wounds (apart from swarms)
- vehicle armour must total 33 or less
- no special characters
- no ordnance
Of course, i actually did a silly thing agreeing to play tyranids at this competition. Firstly my army consisted of a trygon, trygon prime, a hive tyrant, and 4 hormagaunts. so i've actually had to buy nearly the entire 500 points in the first place. But i'm glad i did, as its really pushed me to get it done
so heres my newest additions, More Gribblies!!

Forgeworld really makes this tyranid army look the bees knees. I'm really satisfied with the unified theme of the army too.
So it's back to the painting table for me, I have LOTS to do.