So i've got a bit behind with my updates, but if you're following my lucky 88th blog you'll see i'm back with plenty of ongoing and past projects.
Firstly, a catch up from before calneage.
The venomthrope which provides sporey cover for my scythe friendly gribblies.

The base is quite calm really, compared to other models. i figured a grey marine helmet and some shells would look nice, ideally a brighter marine helmet would look better, but for personal reasons, anything that resembles Lee's damn drop pod marines makes me happy :D

My two hastily built objective markers, they have plenty of room for improvement - adding supplies or tasty morsels will actually make these "objectives" rather than simply scenes of dying guardsmen

just look at the fear in his eyes!

This guy is totally oblivious of his impending doom, im considering adding a sign post with something like "Medicentre" on it, with a bloody hand print on the other side...

And now onto new things!
With a bit of income now flooding in, i treated myself to some forgeworld goodies. First is this baby!
Introducing, an even bigger brain bug!

You can see I highlighted the faces and hands in the digestion sacks to give the impression of them streching out

And finally, a use for those pesky funny faced rippers that come with the genestealers, I figured they would acompany the Malanthrope and help chew up the tougher stuff

Theres another big one to come, he's an ugly mutha, but compared to some of the company he keeps, he could win beauty contests!
hopefully i can get some quality time this week to get him washed and based, so possibly an update later this week.
Cheers for dropping by!