Run for your lives!!
Hive Splinter Borlin's Largest Tyranid Genus has made planetfall and is busy gorging its way through the lucky 88th as we speak.
This has been a long time coming, but my Scythed Hierodule is actually completed!

I thought I'd make an effort with the base, spicing it up with a few details (which were the entire reason the model took so long to be complete, the actual monster itself has been painted for over a month now! but I wanted the rippers done before i could finish the base)

In the photo below you can see the "collar carapace" which I had to build from greenstuff as it had been damaged (snapped clean off) and wasn't present in the box. Rather than send it back I was so eager to get it together I decided to have a go at basic sculpting, I'm pretty pleased with it as its only noticeable to the keen eye, and probably not noticeable unless I point it out.

This mangled dozer blade is all thanks to my dog, who took a fancy to it when he was just a pup, I have kept it all these years for this very reason, I knew it would make a brilliantly beaten up piece of scenery for a big monster.

And heres a big family shot, it doesnt have everything in there, but a few of the main faces to give an impression of the force in its current state.

I actually still have plenty of models in the pipeline for this army, although it's nearing completion, which will mean this force will likely come to an end this year, unless forgeworld pull a blinder and go mental with new nid releases of scythey goodness, or I go berserk and get that Hierophant which really would be an icing on a spiky cake.
Still, plenty of little beasties for me to paint up, and a few larger ones, and some bigger ones still, and possibly a couple of big beasties for good luck. so keep checking back because this blog is FAR from over, and even when the force is complete, the battle reports will be rolling in.
The Dormant Beast Awakens
Still reeling from the virus attacks, Borlina was plunged into an unending war with chaotic daemons and renegade guardsmen fighting to destroy any sign of the emperors influence over the once royal and aristocratic planet.
The Lucky 88th along with the local Astartas chapters began to make some headway. once the mighty fortress palace of Borlingrav was recaptured, Reinforcements could be brought into the planet, boosting the Regiments of the unofficial PDF under the watchfull eye of the commissariat.
Things no longer looked bleak for the diseased hell hole, fortifications were being construced and the planet was regaining the emperors will.
Maybe the sheer optimism of the imperial troops drew the dormant hive fleet in or another one of Inquisitor Payne's dubious experiments buried forever under the great palace'smain chambers. Who can say. All we know is a tentacle of the great devourer has made it to the outer reaches of the cadian gate.
Due to borlin's unusually high number of malanthropes and rippers it is believed to be a remnant of an ancient hive fleet long destroyed, Hive Splinter Borlin is comprised mainly of the "clean up" elements of an average hive fleet. Entirely obsessed with gorging itself to capacity by means of teeth, claws and digestive acids. Ranged weapons hardly ever feature in their ranks, only slithering, gibbering rows of blades occasionally spitting venomous sprays and toxic bile to aid the digestion of their foe.